Photoshop Projects

I've been having a bit of a hard time coping with being done with school and how to proceed from this point. This struggle has involved some major realizations. One of which was that I've spent far too many years listening to the words other people say and taking far too many of them to heart. I've also been trying so hard to fit in that I've lost track of the person I was when I was at school. I recently sat down and watched Kenneth Branagh's version of Hamlet and one conversation Hamlet had stuck in my head. I pondered the meaning of it until my parents and I were talking and I came to the realization that in said conversation Hamlet basically states that I can be whoever I want and I don't have to fit into the box I was letting others' words put me in. After that epiphany I put this together as a reminder so I can re-grasp myself and hold on to the me I tried so hard to find when I went off on my own. Regardless of what others believe to be true it's what I believe that counts.

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